Yep! As if life wasn't exciting enough already in my topsy-turvy autie world...
I hit myself on the head just a few days after my last post in 9/09.
Now, on good days I can focus for several hours without needing to reboot. (read: "eat chocolate, stare out the window for awhile, take a refocusing walk or a nap").
On bad days like today...every other word comes out indise I mean inside out...oh this is so much fon I mean fun for a professioanla oops! professional wrtier/writer like myself to keep hitting the back button to corrrect/correct my spelling.
Anyway, I'm back again...NOT newly improved but newly humbled and appreciative of what our brains do for us. (even asperger's/autistic/neurodiverse ones).
Back soon to tell you more news of the autism inspired life!